ZHANG Guodong, LI Li, CAO Hongmei.Structure and Properties of WC Reinforced High Chromium Cast Iron Surfacing Layer Deposited by Plasma Arc Welding[J].China Surface Engineering,2015,28(6):111~118
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1. 武汉大学;2. 上海飞机制造有限公司
关键词:  等离子弧堆焊  碳化钨  高铬铸铁  Q235钢
Structure and Properties of WC Reinforced High Chromium Cast Iron Surfacing Layer Deposited by Plasma Arc Welding
ZHANG Guodong, LI Li, CAO Hongmei1,2
1. Wuhan University;2. Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
High chromium cast iron and WC reinforced high chromium cast iron surfacing layers were deposited on the surface of Q235 steel by plasma arc welding. Influence of WC particles on the high chromium cast iron surfacing layers was revealed by analyzing the microstructure, chemical composition, microhardness, abrasive resistance and corrosion resistance. The experimental results shows that the high chromium cast iron surfacing layer consists of primary (Fe,Cr)7C3 and eutectics while WC reinforced high chromium cast iron surfacing layer consists of primary carbides , WC particles and eutectics. Due to the addition of WC, WC reinforced high chromium cast iron surfacing layer shows a sharp increase in primary carbides and a corresponding reduction in eutectics in comparison with the high chromium cast iron surfacing layer. Besides, WC reinforced high chromium iron surfacing layer has higher hardness, better electrolytic corrosion resistance and hot corrosion resistance. A combination of a steep drop in hardness occurring in the fusion lion of the two surfacing layers with the results of EDS indicats that the addition of WC has no bad effect on the metallurgical bonding with the matrix metal and welding quality. The results will provide a scientific guidance for promoting the application of the technology in engineering especially in electrolytic aluminum industries.
Key words:  plasma arc welding  tungsten carbide  high chromium cast iron  Q235 steel